Bishop Sylvester Ryan will lead a Lenten Mission Retreat on March 15th & 16th. We are starting at 5 PM. Father Miguel will lead a Lenten Retreat in Spanish on March 20-21, starting at 5 PM.
On Mon., March 13th, the 9:00 am Mass will be for the repose of the soul of our beloved former Pastor, Fr. Mark. All welcome to attend, as we remember him on the first anniversary of his death.
Evelyn Morales, Rita Brooks, June Ellis, Alfred Fiscalini, Mike Mulligan, Sally Arbogast, Darcy Moreno, Don Doyle. May our prayers be a source of comfort and healing to them.
All men of the parish are invited to the monthly dinner/meeting on Tues., Oct. 18th, at 6:00 pm in the hall. Join us for good food and great conversation. Please use the sign-up sheet near the church entrance if you plan to attend.
Please contact the parish office if you wish to offer a Mass intention for a loved one, living or deceased. Masses may be offered for healing, anniversaries, birthdays, in thanksgiving, etc., as well as for the repose of the soul.