Often the journey begins at the encouragement (or insistence) of a parent, but it is important that the final decision to be confirmed is one that is made by the candidate, freely and responsibly, since it is an expression of a commitment to live out one’s faith in a mature manner. (Adults desiring Confirmation look here.)
Following diocesan standards, preparation for Confirmation at Santa Rosa is a two-year program, beginning in the fall when the candidate is at least 14 years of age. (Special considerations can be made if the candidate is 13 and has been attending Mass weekly.) Candidates already should be baptized and receiving Eucharist regularly, so weekly Mass attendance is required. Classes meet twice a month. Candidates must attend the classes, share in community service, and participate in a weekend retreat during their second year.
A godparent is chosen by the candidate, to model and encourage the student’s faith. Godparents must be practicing, confirmed Catholics (providing a letter from the priest at their parish stating this), who receive Eucharist regularly and, if married, have had their marriage blessed in the Catholic Church, as a sign of living out their faith fully. Godparents will be expected to attend some sessions during the preparation period. It is highly encouraged, therefore, that the godparent live nearby, to be actively engaged in the life of the student.
The sacrament of Confirmation usually is celebrated during Easter season of the candidate’s second year. For more information or to register, please contact our Faith Formation office at 924-1728 or email at [email protected].