World Youth Day is one of Pope John Paul II’s greatest gifts to the Catholic Church, and it was a joy to attend World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon. Click on the above title and see a video from Bishop Barron showing the experiences of so many young people in Lisbon.
Congratulations Kathy! Parishioner Kathy Preciado recently completed her formation through the Pope Francis School of Ministry Diocese of Monterey, for Ministry to the Sick, Homebound & Dying. Kathy was awarded her certificate of Lay Ministry at a special ceremony last Sunday with Bishop Daniel Garcia. Well done, Kathy
The School of Ministry is pleased to offer the in-person Specialization above. It will provide formation and training in multiple liturgical ministries so important to the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist in our parishes. The 3-Saturday Series will address; meeting Christ in multiple ways in the Liturgy; the centrality of the Paschal Mystery; focus of the 2nd Vatican Council in the Liturgy’s renewal; difference of Liturgical prayer from devotional prayer; the history of ministries utilized in the Liturgy; serving as an Extraordinary Minister, Lector/ Reader, Greeter, and Minister of Hospitality, usher, and Minister of Liturgical Environment. Fr. Peter will also address the Instituted Ministries opened to the laity recently promulgated by Pope Francis. He will address as well, in practical ways, how your ministry will help to enliven and enrich the Sacred Liturgy. This will be an excellent series for all who are involved in parish Liturgical Ministries, those who aren’t but would like to be, as well as for parish leaders in Liturgy. You will enjoy this series! Dates / Location: Saturdays – October 21st at St. William’s in Atascadero, October 28th & November 18th at Old Mission San Luis Obispo Cost: $ 125.00 – includes the cost of four Liturgical books Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Presenter: Father Peter Bosque, Ph.D., Retired priest of Diocese of San Diego Fr. Peter has served over 35 years in priestly ministry: he was Pastor at 9 parishes, chaplain at hospitals and 2 maximum security prisons. He is known as a pastor who trains, guides and empowers great numbers of lay ministers who reflect the diversity of our Church. We will begin accepting registrations on August 1st through the diocesan School of Ministry website - Please register early as we expect much interest: For more information, please contact, Program Coordinator, Ann Ventura, at [email protected] or at 831-645-2848.